Master the craft of turning your innovative idea into a successful business

Grow a startup mindset to begin your entrepreneurial journey

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Best Courses For Learning English Courses


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Best Courses For Learning English Courses


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Ways to become a successful entrepreneur.

Somalia D Silva

Math Teacher
750+ Courses

David D Warner

English Teacher
3850+ Courses

Xavi Toni Crusse

Computer Teacher
632+ Courses

Shaine Watson

Math Teacher
750+ Courses

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Web Design & Development Conference 2020

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Our learner’s appraisal

The courses were filled with strong entrepreneurial theories and practical examples of the entrepreneurial world. I benefited from this course a lot and enjoyed it too.

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Sousa Fernandes

CEO & Founder

Why us?

Founder is an interactive e-learning platform which has all the vital factors to drive you close to your goals. With the premium quality training from the top-notch expert tutor and a highly resourceful curriculum, we will train you to be one of the finest of the entrepreneurial community.


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